Dr. Daniella Zsupan-Jerome shares her zeal for passing on the faith as a Catholic theologian and the "juggling act" of being a woman, wife, mother, and professional.
This week on Women in Witness, Alecia Bloodworth and Sarah McDonald have a fun conversation about being grateful and kind and the powerful witness of women in Alecia's faith life.
In this video installment of Women in Witness, meet Sister of Mount Carmel Sr. Mary Ellen Wheelahan, Safe Environement Coordinator for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. A New Orleans native whose family life has influenced her faith, Sr. Mary Ellen sums up her ministry by saying, "I believe that in my heart that this is the task of the Safe Environment Coordinators today, and it is also the task of women in the church, that we can make visible to someone everyday the strength and the wisdom and the love that is in our soul and it’s put there by God! It’s God’s love and God’s wisdom that is there."
In this video installment of Women in Witness, meet Betty-Ann Hickey. You often see her even though her work is behind the scenes, and for our NOLACatholic priests, when they see her before Mass, they know they can relax and prepare to pray the Mass. Putting her ministry into words is not easy, but for her one priest summed it up perfectly by saying, care for us as a mother cares for her children.
In this first video installment of Women in Witness, Dr. RaeNell Billot Houston, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, talks about how the women of her family and community impacted her faith life through their witness and how being open to God's call has lead her to ministry in Catholic education.