In many instances your local church parish and clergy can offer helpful guidance and assistance. For a listing of parishes with contact information, please click here.
For a digital copy of our Senior Resource Guide, please click here.
CCANO Care Line - 1-866-891-2210
Second Harvest Food Bank - 1-855-392-9338
Sex Abuse Victims Assistance - (504) 522-5019
Abortion, Healing After
Counseling - (504) 496-0212 offered by the Woman’s New Life Center
Project Rachel - (504) 885-1141 offered by Catholic Charities
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats - (504) 710-6458 or (504) 460-9360 offered by Rachel’s Vineyard
Addictions, Help with
Alcoholics Anonymous - (504) 838-3399
Gamblers Anonymous - (504) 431-7867
Gambling Cope Line - 1-800-749-2673
Mercy Family Counseling Center - (504) 838-8283
Pornography - (504) 430-3060 offered by My House Men’s Fellowship
Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM) - (985) 640-4804
Adoption Services - (504) 885-1141 offered by Catholic Charities
Assistance - (504) 861-6243 offered by Marriage and Family Life
Process and status - (504) 861-6291 to contact the Tribunal
Baptismal Records – please first contact the parish at which the baptism took place. If you need additional assistance, please call (504) 861-6241 for the Office of Archives and Records
Boy scouts - (504) 836-0551 to reach Youth Ministry
Burials - (504) 596-3050 to reach New Orleans Catholic Cemeteries
Camp Abbey - (985) 327-7240
Clergy/Priest Personnel - (504) 861-6269
Family/marriage - (504) 861-6245 offered by Catholic Counseling Services
Counseling - (985) 785-2113 offered by Catholic Charities Counseling Solutions in St. Charles, St. John the Baptist and St. Tammany parishes only
LGBT - (504) 729-8553 offered by LIGHT
Cultural Diversity
Black Catholic Ministries - (504) 861-6207
ESL Classes - (504) 861-6348, offered by Catholic Charities
Filipino Catholic Ministry - (504) 280-7370
Hispanic Apostolate - (504) 467-2550
Korean - (504) 888-2366 to reach the Hanmaum Korean Catholic Chapel
Vietnamese Apostolate - (504) 254-5660 or (985) 626-6977
Current events/issues - (504) 596-3023 to reach the Office of Communications
Deaf Apostolate - (504) 943-2456 voice/TDD to reach the St. Gerard Community for the Deaf or (504) 338-8808 video phone
Disability Commission - (504) 861-6294 to reach the Office of Pastoral Planning and Ministries
For men - (504) 861-6298 to reach the Vocations Office
Divorced, Pastoral Care for - (504) 861-6243 to reach the Office Marriage and Family Life
Domestic Violence - (504) 310-6872 to reach Catholic Charities’Project SAVE
Donations/Gifts - (504) 596-3045 to reach the The Catholic Foundation
Education and Formation
Adult formation - (504) 861-6270 to reach the Office of Religious Education
Catholic schools - (504) 866-7916 to reach the Office of Catholic Schools (school specific questions, tuition assistance issues, etc.)
Early childhood
Low-income - (504) 310-6914 to reach Catholic Charities’ Head Start
School-based - (504) 866-7916 to reach the Office of Catholic Schools
Lay Ecclesial Ministry - (504) 866-7426 x. 730 to reach Notre Dame Seminary
Parish Schools of Religion – please contact your parish or call (504) 861-6270 for the Office of Religious education
Seminary - (504) 866-7426 to reach Notre Dame Seminary
Tuition assistance for Catholic Schools - (504) 866-7916 to reach the Office of Catholic Schools
Evangelization - (504) 267-9651
Fasting and Abstinence - (504) 861-6289 to reach the Chancellor’s Office
Food/Hunger - 1-855-392-9338 to reach Second Harvest Food Bank
Girl Scouts - (504) 836-0551 to reach Youth Ministry
Hospice Care - (504) 227-3600 to reach Notre Dame Hospice
Hospital Chaplains - (504) 227-3606 to reach the Healthcare Chaplaincy Coordinator
Family (low-income) - (504) 830-3700 to reach Willwoods Community Ministries
Homelessness - 1-866-891-2210 to reach Catholic Charities
Human Trafficking Concerns - (504) 400-4824 to reach the Respect Life Office
Immigration & Refugee services - (504) 427-3462 to reach Catholic Charities
Legislative activity (225) 344-7120 to reach the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops
LGBT pastoral care (504) 729-8553 to reach LIGHT
Liturgy and Prayers - (504) 861-6300 to reach the Office of Worship for issues concerning Mass form questions, prayers and blessings, liturgical minister trainings, etc.
Counseling - (504) 861-6245 offered through Catholic Counseling Service
Enrichment - (504) 861-6243 offered through the Office Marriage and Family Life
NFP - (504) 861-6243 to reach the Office Marriage and Family Life
Preparation, please note the first step towards marriage preparation is to contact your parish and confirm a date with clergy and the church - (504) 861-6243 to reach the Marriage and Family Life
Support for Struggling Marriage - (504) 861-6243 offered through Marriage and Family Life
Mission Evangelization/Mission Education - (504) 527-5771 to reach Pontifical Mission Societies
Natural Family Planning - (504) 861-6243 to reach the Marriage and Family Life
Neighborhood Outreach Programs
Peace Center - (504) 267-3342 to reach the Dominican Sisters of Peace Center serving Broadmoor/Hollygrove/Carrollton area
Rebuild Center - (504) 273-5573 at St. Joseph Church on Tulane
Northshore Resources - (985) 605-5845 to reach the Northshore Catholic Center
Parenting Support - (504) 861-6243 offered through the Office Marriage and Family Life
Parish schools of religion (please note questions or concerns regarding your parish’s PSR should be first directed to the pastor and/or DRE) - (504) 861-6270 to reach the Office of Religious Education
Pontifical Mission Society - (504) 527-5771 for more information about Propagation of the Faith, Missionary Childhood Association (formerly known as Holy Childhood Association), St. Peter Apostle, Missionary Union and Mission Outreach)
Anti-pornography campaign Create in Me a Clean Heart - (504) 861-6243
Support for men suffering from pornography addiction - (504) 430-3060 to reach the My House Men’s Group
Support for women with spouses suffering from pornography addiction (504) 343-3359 to reach Pearl Ladies Group
Pregnancy Services/crisis pregnancies/referrals for assistance for pregnant women and new moms
ACCESS - (504) 832-1503 to reach Catholic Charities
Adoption - (504) 885-1141 offered Catholic Charities
Counseling - (504) 496-0212 to reach Woman’s New Life Center
Maternity Medical services - (504) 837-6346 offered through St. Vincent’s Maternity Clinic of Catholic Charities
Prison Ministry - (504) 267-9727
Pro-life services & resources - (504) 286-1119 to reach the Respect Life Office
RCIA - (504) 861-6270 to reach the Office of Religious Education
Religious Life: sisters/nuns/brothers - (504) 861-6281 to reach Vicar for Religious
Respect-life services & resources - to reach the Respect Life Office
Retreats - (504) 887-1420 to reach The Cenacle on the Lake
Sacramental Guidelines - (504) 861-6262 to reach the Vicar General
Sacramental Records - (504) 861-6241 to reach the Office of Archives and Records
Safe Environment - (504) 861-6278 to reach the Safe Environment Coordinator with questions regarding Austin Computing, Background Checks, Trainings
Victims’ Assistance Coordinator - (504) 861-6253
Senior Care
Day centers - (504) 835-0006 to reach Catholic Charities Adult Day Centers/PACE
Food assistance - (504) 245-7207 or (800) 522-3333 to reach Food for Seniors
Independent living - (504) 596-3460 to reach Christopher Homes
Social Justice/Catholic Social Teaching - (504) 592-5692 to reach Office of Justice and Peace
Spirituality/Spiritual Direction - (504) 861-3254 to reach Archdiocesan Spirituality Center
Stewardship - (504) 596-3045 to reach The Catholic Foundation
Summer Camp - (985) 327-7240 to reach Camp Abbey
TEC Retreats - (504) 836-0551 ext 3224 to reach Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Theology on Tap - (504) 836-0551 ext 3229 to reach Young Adult Ministry
Vocations - (504) 861-6298 to reach the Vocations Office
Volunteering - (504) 310-6962 to reach Catholic Charities Volunteer Services
Women’s Health - (504) 496-0212 to reach Woman’s New Life Center/Hope Women’s Clinic
Workforce Development - (504) 310-8767 to reach Catholic Charities