Come and Sit At His Feet: Spiritual Poverty & Femininity
A Silent Preached Retreat for Young Adult Women led by Claire Gallagher
Friday, December 8 – Sunday, December 10 | Camp Abbey Retreat Center, Covington
The CYO/ Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office invites young adult women to ‘come and sit’ at the feet of Jesus for a weekend silent preached retreat led by Claire Gallagher. Claire will draw on Scripture, the wisdom of St. Therese of Lisieux, and her own life experiences and ministry to help women grow in their spirituality and intimacy with Christ. Through talks, the sacraments, and quiet time for rest and reflection, all will explore Jesus’ invitation to spiritual poverty, specifically in the context of femininity.
The cost of the retreat is $150/ person. Lodging and Saturday & Sunday meals are included. For more information and to register, visit