For many young adults, the dating world is tough and filled with challenges.
What does it take to date well and lean on our Catholic faith to guide us, as we look for that special someone?
Join us forNAVIGATING THE 'SHIP, our Theology on Tap series on Wednesday, October 30th , November 6th & November 13th from 6:30 - 8:00at Fat Boy's Pizza (2565 Metairie Road, Metairie), where we will offer some hope and suggestions on dating and building strong relationships and marriages.
#NOLACatholicYoungAdults are invited to join us as we focus on how to date well as Catholic young adult as well as how to invest in your relationship as a married couple.
We kick off on October 30th with Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio, an ethicist who fields consults with the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Through "Persevering In Hope: The Task of Love in Dating and Marriage," Dr. Denny Lorio will speak to the "theology" of dating and how God is at work in the joys and the desolations of dating and marriage.
This series is being presented by the CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry and Marriage and Family Life Offices of the Archdiocese as well as the Lake Area Young Adult Group of St. Dominic & St. Pius X Churches, New Orleans and the generosity of the Women's Giving Circle.