As our Holy Father, Pope Francis has promoted the New Evangelization in a number of documents and speeches, including:
During his time as our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI promoted the New Evangelization in a number of ways.
In 2010, he announced the creation of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization (En español).
In 2011, Benedict XVI met with Leaders involved with New Evangelization (En español), and held a Mass for the New Evangelizers (En español).
Pope Benedict XVI also called for the 2012 Synod of Bishops, with the topic New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith. Documents related to the 2012 Synod of Bishops include the:
Pope St. John Paul II also promoted the New Evangelization through his writings. He wrote encyclicals related to the New Evangelization, including Redemptoris Missio, on the Permanent Validity of the Church's Missionary Mandate (En español). John Paul II also published several Apostolic Exhortations, including Christifideles Laici, on the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful (En español), and Catechesi Tradendae, on Catachesis on our Time (En español).
Bl. Pope Paul VI released two Apostolic Exhortations related to Evangelization, Evangelii Nuntiandi, on Evangelization (En español), and Gaudete in Domino, on Christian Joy (En español). In additon, there were several documents from the Second Vatican Council released during Paul VI's Papacy related to Evangelization, including Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (En español), Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (En español), and Ad Gentes, the Decree on the Missionary Activtity of the Church (En español). Nostra Aetate, the Decleration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, (En español) and Apostolicam Actuositatem, the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, (En español) are also two more great resources from the Second Vatican Council on Evangelization. — Vatican Website — United States Conference of Catholic Bishops — USCCB Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development — Archdiocese of New Orleans — American Bible Society — St.Anthony Messenger Press — Catholic Updates Library — Ave Maria Press — Harcourt Religion Publishers — Liturgical Press — Loyola Press — Liturgy Training Publications — Our Sunday Visitor — Pauline Books and Media — Pflaum — RLC Benziger — Resources Publications and — Wm H. Sadlier — St. Mary’s Press — Twenty-Third Publications
Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith, by Bishop Robert Barron
The Church and New Media: Blogging Converts, Online Activists, and Bishops Who Tweet, by Brandon Vogt
Creating the Evangelizing Parish, by Frank P. DeSiano and Kenneth Boyack
Welcome Home! Stories of Fallen-Away Catholics Who Came Back, edited by Victor Claveau
The Evangelizing Catholic: A Practical Handbook for Reaching Out, by Frank P. DeSiano
The Parish Guide to the New Evangelization, by Robert J. Hater
Search and Rescue: How to Bring Your Family and Friends Into—or Back Into—the Catholic Church, by Patrick Madrid
John Paul II and the New Evangelization, by Peter Williamson and Ralph Martin
Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living With Passion & Purpose, by Matthew Kelly
From Maintenance to Mission: Evangelization and the Revitalization of the Parish, by Robert S. Rivers, CSP
Rebuild My Church: God’s Plan for Authentic Catholic Renewal, by Alan Schreck, Ph.D.
Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, by Sherry A. Weddell
Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples, by Sherry A. Waddell
Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st Century Church, by George Weigel
The Evangelization Equation: The Who, What, and How, by Father James A. Wehner, S.T.D.
Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost and Making Church Matter, by Tom Corcoran and Michael White
Jesus the Evangelist, a Gospel Guide to the New Evangelization, by Allan F. Wright
New Evangelization: Passing on the Catholic Faith Today, by Cardinal Wuerl