“2344 Chastity represents an eminently personal task; it also involves a cultural effort, for there is "an interdependence between personal betterment and the improvement of society." Chastity presupposes respect for the rights of the person, in particular the right to receive information and an education that respect the moral and spiritual dimensions of human life.
2349 People should cultivate [chastity] in the way that is suited to their state of life. Some profess virginity or consecrated celibacy which enables them to give themselves to God alone with an undivided heart in a remarkable manner. Others live in the way prescribed for all by the moral law, whether they are married or single. Married people are called to live conjugal chastity; others practice chastity in continence.
2350 Those who are engaged to marry are called to live chastity in continence. They should see in this time of testing a discovery of mutual respect, an apprenticeship in fidelity, and the hope of receiving one another from God. They should reserve for marriage the expressions of affection that belong to married love. They will help each other grow in chastity.
"All the baptized are called to chastity. The Christian has 'put on Christ,' the model for all chastity." - Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2348
What we do locally:
Lord, inflame our hearts and our inmost beings with the fire of Your Holy Spirit, that we may serve You with chaste bodies and pure minds. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Nov. 7 6:30-8:30- Mothers with teenage daughters, you’re invited to Growing Up Gracefully, a mother/daughter program for young ladies in high school and their mothers, sponsored by Woman’s New Life Center and Hope Woman's Clinic in collaboration with the Archdiocese of New Orleans Family Life Apostolate. The presentation will be given by Dr. Susan Caldwell, a NaproTechnology Medical Consultant, and Sarah Denny.
Refreshments will be served. Online Registration available at www.hopewomansclinic.com/