The celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a significant day for Catholics worldwide. It commemorates the belief that Mary, after completing her earthly life, was taken up body and soul into heaven by God. The dogma of the Assumption, declared by Pope Pius XII in 1950, affirms this belief as a truth revealed by God.
The Assumption holds great importance because it signifies the unique and essential role of Mary in the work of salvation. Through her obedience and acceptance of God's plan, she became the mother of Jesus, the Redeemer of humankind. The Assumption also anticipates the resurrection of all believers and their eventual union with God in eternal glory.
Mary's Assumption is seen as a preview of what awaits believers in the afterlife, inspiring hope and affirming the value of every human life. As Catholics, we celebrate this feast by honoring Mary's virtues and recognize her pivotal role in God's plan for humanity.
Celebrate the solemnity by doing the following:
Praying the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary
Attend mass and invite and family member or friends to join you as it is an obligation today.
Bless your herb garden. This is an old Germanic tradition that soon took over Medieval Europe. August marks the beginning of the harvest season; this tradition calls back to agrarian societies when people relied on the bounty of their harvest to eat and live. If you have a herb garden, bless it this day with the following prayer:
Almighty everlasting God, who by your word alone brought
into being the heavens, earth, sea, things seen and things
unseen, and garnished he earth with plants and trees for the
use of man and beast; who appointed each species to bring
forth fruit in its kind, not only for the food of living creatures,
but for the healing of sick bodies as well; with mind and word
we urgently call on you in your great kindness to bless + these
various herbs, this increasing their natural powers with the
newly given grace of your blessing. May they keep away
disease and adversity from men and beasts who use them in