Today, Archbishop Gregory Aymond, Crimestoppers director Darlene Cusanza, local law enforcement, faith leaders and communtiy leaders gathered at St. Louis Cathedral for a prayer service and news conference to announce Crimestoppers Good Samartian Project. This project is an expansion of the services of Crimestopers to aid local law enforcement officials in the fight against violence, especially gun violence, in our communities. Project Good Samaritan is a program of prayers and action as citizens are invited to take a more active role in community policing and to support those actions with prayers.
Learn more about Crimestoppers Project Good Samaritan by clicking this link.
All are invited to participate in two days of community prayer against violence on July 10 and August 22 at 12:30 pm as the entire community will come together virtually via the Crimsestoppers Facebook page to pray together for 5 minutes to bring peace to our streets. Also, all are invited to take part in the Night Out Against Crime in October. More information and resources for these events can be found on the Crimetoppers website.