“Human traffickers and criminal networks are taking advantage of technology to reach larger audiences and to do their illicit business more quickly across greater distances,” says Debbie Shinskie, Director of the Respect Life Office. She added that because traffickers recruit, advertise and organize their “business” through social communications, while fasting from social media could be a challenge and even a sacrifice for some it is an ideal way to “remember to pray for those who are victims of human trafficking, those who have escaped and those who are working to rebuild their lives.”
We've compiled a list of 25 things to do INSTEAD of social media or texting. We hope this list will help you remember that the day is a sacrifice for the victims of human trafficking and in our sacrifice we remember to pray each time we want to check our phone.
To start, it might be wise to temporarily delete all of your social media apps (you can add them back the next day) or put them into a folder on your phone and move that folder to a different page where you can't see the notifications. This way you aren’t tempted by seeing the apps if you need to be on your phone.
25 things to do instead of social media and texting:
Pray for an end to Human Trafficking (join our novena by signing up HERE to receive a daily prayer reminder starting Feb. 9th)
Write a note to a friend with words of encouragement.
Ask a co-worker or friend how their day is going
Look up, water the plant on your desk or tidy your space
More information and resources, including how individuals can take action against human trafficking, are available through the US Conference of Catholic Bishops website here.